Source code for ai.backend.client.func.auth

from .base import api_function, BaseFunction
from ..request import Request
from ..session import api_session

__all__ = (

[docs]class Auth(BaseFunction): """ Provides the function interface for login session management and authorization. """ @api_function @classmethod async def login(cls, user_id: str, password: str) -> dict: """ Log-in into the endpoint with the given user ID and password. It creates a server-side web session and return a dictionary with ``"authenticated"`` boolean field and JSON-encoded raw cookie data. """ rqst = Request(api_session.get(), 'POST', '/server/login') rqst.set_json({ 'username': user_id, 'password': password, }) async with rqst.fetch(anonymous=True) as resp: data = await resp.json() data['cookies'] = resp.raw_response.cookies data['config'] = { 'username': user_id, } return data @api_function @classmethod async def logout(cls) -> None: """ Log-out from the endpoint. It clears the server-side web session. """ rqst = Request(api_session.get(), 'POST', '/server/logout') async with rqst.fetch() as resp: resp.raw_response.raise_for_status() @api_function @classmethod async def update_password(cls, old_password: str, new_password: str, new_password2: str) -> dict: """ Update user's password. This API works only for account owner. """ rqst = Request(api_session.get(), 'POST', '/auth/update-password') rqst.set_json({ 'old_password': old_password, 'new_password': new_password, 'new_password2': new_password2, }) async with rqst.fetch() as resp: return await resp.json()