ai.backend.client.func.vfolder의 소스 코드

import asyncio
from pathlib import Path
from typing import (

import aiohttp
import janus
from tqdm import tqdm

from yarl import URL
from aiotusclient import client

from .base import api_function, BaseFunction
from ..compat import current_loop
from ..pagination import generate_paginated_results
from ..request import Request

__all__ = (

_default_list_fields = (

[문서]class VFolder(BaseFunction): def __init__(self, name: str): = name @api_function @classmethod async def create( cls, name: str, host: str = None, unmanaged_path: str = None, group: str = None, usage_mode: str = 'general', permission: str = 'rw', quota: str = '0', cloneable: bool = False ): rqst = Request('POST', '/folders') rqst.set_json({ 'name': name, 'host': host, 'unmanaged_path': unmanaged_path, 'group': group, 'usage_mode': usage_mode, 'permission': permission, 'quota': quota, 'cloneable': cloneable, }) async with rqst.fetch() as resp: return await resp.json() @api_function @classmethod async def delete_by_id(cls, oid): rqst = Request('DELETE', '/folders') rqst.set_json({'id': oid}) async with rqst.fetch(): return {} @api_function @classmethod async def list(cls, list_all=False): rqst = Request('GET', '/folders') rqst.set_json({'all': list_all}) async with rqst.fetch() as resp: return await resp.json() @api_function @classmethod async def paginated_list( cls, group: str = None, access_key: str = None, *, fields: Sequence[str] = _default_list_fields, page_size: int = 20, filter: str = None, order: str = None, ) -> AsyncIterator[dict]: """ Fetches the list of vfolders. Domain admins can only get domain vfolders. :param group: Fetch vfolders in a specific group. :param fields: Additional per-vfolder query fields to fetch. """ async for item in generate_paginated_results( 'vfolder_list', { 'group_id': (group, 'UUID'), 'access_key': (access_key, 'String'), 'filter': (filter, 'String'), 'order': (order, 'String'), }, fields, page_size=page_size, ): yield item @api_function @classmethod async def list_hosts(cls): rqst = Request('GET', '/folders/_/hosts') async with rqst.fetch() as resp: return await resp.json() @api_function @classmethod async def list_all_hosts(cls): rqst = Request('GET', '/folders/_/all_hosts') async with rqst.fetch() as resp: return await resp.json() @api_function @classmethod async def list_allowed_types(cls): rqst = Request('GET', '/folders/_/allowed_types') async with rqst.fetch() as resp: return await resp.json()
[문서] @api_function async def info(self): rqst = Request('GET', '/folders/{0}'.format( async with rqst.fetch() as resp: return await resp.json()
[문서] @api_function async def delete(self): rqst = Request('DELETE', '/folders/{0}'.format( async with rqst.fetch(): return {}
[문서] @api_function async def rename(self, new_name): rqst = Request('POST', '/folders/{0}/rename'.format( rqst.set_json({ 'new_name': new_name, }) async with rqst.fetch() as resp: = new_name return await resp.text()
[문서] @api_function async def download( self, relative_paths: Sequence[Union[str, Path]], *, basedir: Union[str, Path] = None, chunk_size: int = DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, show_progress: bool = False, ) -> None: base_path = (Path.cwd() if basedir is None else Path(basedir).resolve()) for relpath in relative_paths: file_path = base_path / relpath rqst = Request('POST', '/folders/{}/request-download'.format( rqst.set_json({ 'path': str(relpath), }) async with rqst.fetch() as resp: download_info = await resp.json() download_url = URL(download_info['url']).with_query({ 'token': download_info['token'], }) def _write_file(file_path: Path, q: janus._SyncQueueProxy[bytes]): with open(file_path, 'wb') as f: while True: chunk = q.get() if not chunk: return f.write(chunk) q.task_done() if show_progress: print(f"Downloading to {file_path} ...") async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as client: # TODO: ranged requests to continue interrupted downloads with automatic retries async with client.get(download_url, ssl=False) as raw_resp: size = int(raw_resp.headers['Content-Length']) if file_path.exists(): raise RuntimeError('The target file already exists', q: janus.Queue[bytes] = janus.Queue(MAX_INFLIGHT_CHUNKS) try: with tqdm( total=size, unit='bytes', unit_scale=True, unit_divisor=1024, disable=not show_progress, ) as pbar: loop = current_loop() writer_fut = loop.run_in_executor(None, _write_file, file_path, q.sync_q) await asyncio.sleep(0) while True: chunk = await pbar.update(len(chunk)) if not chunk: break await q.async_q.put(chunk) finally: await q.async_q.put(b'') await writer_fut q.close() await q.wait_closed()
[문서] @api_function async def upload( self, files: Sequence[Union[str, Path]], *, basedir: Union[str, Path] = None, chunk_size: int = DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, show_progress: bool = False, ) -> None: base_path = (Path.cwd() if basedir is None else Path(basedir).resolve()) if basedir: files = [basedir / Path(file) for file in files] else: files = [Path(file).resolve() for file in files] for file_path in files: file_size = Path(file_path).stat().st_size rqst = Request('POST', '/folders/{}/request-upload'.format( rqst.set_json({ 'path': "{}".format(str(Path(file_path).relative_to(base_path))), 'size': int(file_size), }) async with rqst.fetch() as resp: upload_info = await resp.json() upload_url = URL(upload_info['url']).with_query({ 'token': upload_info['token'], }) tus_client = client.TusClient() if basedir: input_file = open(base_path / file_path, "rb") else: input_file = open(str(Path(file_path).relative_to(base_path)), "rb") print(f"Uploading {base_path / file_path} via {upload_info['url']} ...") # TODO: refactor out the progress bar uploader = tus_client.async_uploader( file_stream=input_file, url=upload_url, upload_checksum=False, chunk_size=chunk_size, ) return await uploader.upload()
[문서] @api_function async def mkdir(self, path: Union[str, Path]): rqst = Request('POST', '/folders/{}/mkdir'.format( rqst.set_json({ 'path': path, }) async with rqst.fetch() as resp: return await resp.text()
[문서] @api_function async def rename_file(self, target_path: str, new_name: str): rqst = Request('POST', '/folders/{}/rename_file'.format( rqst.set_json({ 'target_path': target_path, 'new_name': new_name, }) async with rqst.fetch() as resp: return await resp.json()
[문서] @api_function async def delete_files(self, files: Sequence[Union[str, Path]], recursive: bool = False): rqst = Request('DELETE', '/folders/{}/delete_files'.format( rqst.set_json({ 'files': files, 'recursive': recursive, }) async with rqst.fetch() as resp: return await resp.text()
[문서] @api_function async def list_files(self, path: Union[str, Path] = '.'): rqst = Request('GET', '/folders/{}/files'.format( rqst.set_json({ 'path': path, }) async with rqst.fetch() as resp: return await resp.json()
[문서] @api_function async def invite(self, perm: str, emails: Sequence[str]): rqst = Request('POST', '/folders/{}/invite'.format( rqst.set_json({ 'perm': perm, 'user_ids': emails, }) async with rqst.fetch() as resp: return await resp.json()
@api_function @classmethod async def invitations(cls): rqst = Request('GET', '/folders/invitations/list') async with rqst.fetch() as resp: return await resp.json() @api_function @classmethod async def accept_invitation(cls, inv_id: str): rqst = Request('POST', '/folders/invitations/accept') rqst.set_json({'inv_id': inv_id}) async with rqst.fetch() as resp: return await resp.json() @api_function @classmethod async def delete_invitation(cls, inv_id: str): rqst = Request('DELETE', '/folders/invitations/delete') rqst.set_json({'inv_id': inv_id}) async with rqst.fetch() as resp: return await resp.json() @api_function @classmethod async def get_fstab_contents(cls, agent_id=None): rqst = Request('GET', '/folders/_/fstab') rqst.set_json({ 'agent_id': agent_id, }) async with rqst.fetch() as resp: return await resp.json() @api_function @classmethod async def get_performance_metric(cls, folder_host: str): rqst = Request('GET', '/folders/_/perf-metric') rqst.set_json({ 'folder_host': folder_host, }) async with rqst.fetch() as resp: return await resp.json() @api_function @classmethod async def list_mounts(cls): rqst = Request('GET', '/folders/_/mounts') async with rqst.fetch() as resp: return await resp.json() @api_function @classmethod async def mount_host(cls, name: str, fs_location: str, options=None, edit_fstab: bool = False): rqst = Request('POST', '/folders/_/mounts') rqst.set_json({ 'name': name, 'fs_location': fs_location, 'options': options, 'edit_fstab': edit_fstab, }) async with rqst.fetch() as resp: return await resp.json() @api_function @classmethod async def umount_host(cls, name: str, edit_fstab: bool = False): rqst = Request('DELETE', '/folders/_/mounts') rqst.set_json({ 'name': name, 'edit_fstab': edit_fstab, }) async with rqst.fetch() as resp: return await resp.json()
[문서] @api_function async def leave(self): rqst = Request('POST', '/folders/{}/leave'.format( async with rqst.fetch() as resp: return await resp.json()
[문서] @api_function async def clone(self, target_name: str, target_host: str = None, usage_mode: str = 'general', permission: str = 'rw'): rqst = Request('POST', '/folders/{}/clone'.format( rqst.set_json({ 'target_name': target_name, 'target_host': target_host, 'usage_mode': usage_mode, 'permission': permission }) async with rqst.fetch() as resp: return await resp.json()
[문서] @api_function async def update_options(self, name: str, permission: str = None, cloneable: bool = None): rqst = Request('POST', '/folders/{}/update-options'.format( rqst.set_json({ 'cloneable': cloneable, 'permission': permission }) async with rqst.fetch() as resp: return await resp.text()