ai.backend.client.func.keypair의 소스 코드

from typing import (

from .base import api_function, BaseFunction
from ..pagination import generate_paginated_results
from ..session import api_session

__all__ = (

_default_list_fields = (

[문서]class KeyPair(BaseFunction): """ Provides interactions with keypairs. """ def __init__(self, access_key: str): self.access_key = access_key @api_function @classmethod async def create( cls, user_id: Union[int, str], is_active: bool = True, is_admin: bool = False, resource_policy: str = None, rate_limit: int = None, fields: Iterable[str] = None, ) -> dict: """ Creates a new keypair with the given options. You need an admin privilege for this operation. """ if fields is None: fields = ('access_key', 'secret_key') uid_type = 'Int!' if isinstance(user_id, int) else 'String!' q = 'mutation($user_id: {0}, $input: KeyPairInput!) {{'.format(uid_type) + \ ' create_keypair(user_id: $user_id, props: $input) {' \ ' ok msg keypair { $fields }' \ ' }' \ '}' q = q.replace('$fields', ' '.join(fields)) variables = { 'user_id': user_id, 'input': { 'is_active': is_active, 'is_admin': is_admin, 'resource_policy': resource_policy, 'rate_limit': rate_limit, }, } data = await api_session.get().Admin._query(q, variables) return data['create_keypair'] @api_function @classmethod async def update( cls, access_key: str, is_active: bool = None, is_admin: bool = None, resource_policy: str = None, rate_limit: int = None, ) -> dict: """ Creates a new keypair with the given options. You need an admin privilege for this operation. """ q = 'mutation($access_key: String!, $input: ModifyKeyPairInput!) {' + \ ' modify_keypair(access_key: $access_key, props: $input) {' \ ' ok msg' \ ' }' \ '}' variables = { 'access_key': access_key, 'input': { 'is_active': is_active, 'is_admin': is_admin, 'resource_policy': resource_policy, 'rate_limit': rate_limit, }, } data = await api_session.get().Admin._query(q, variables) return data['modify_keypair'] @api_function @classmethod async def delete(cls, access_key: str): """ Deletes an existing keypair with given ACCESSKEY. """ q = 'mutation($access_key: String!) {' \ ' delete_keypair(access_key: $access_key) {' \ ' ok msg' \ ' }' \ '}' variables = { 'access_key': access_key, } data = await api_session.get().Admin._query(q, variables) return data['delete_keypair'] @api_function @classmethod async def list( cls, user_id: Union[int, str] = None, is_active: bool = None, fields: Sequence[str] = _default_list_fields, ) -> Sequence[dict]: """ Lists the keypairs. You need an admin privilege for this operation. """ if user_id is None: q = 'query($is_active: Boolean) {' \ ' keypairs(is_active: $is_active) {' \ ' $fields' \ ' }' \ '}' else: uid_type = 'Int!' if isinstance(user_id, int) else 'String!' q = 'query($email: {0}, $is_active: Boolean) {{'.format(uid_type) + \ ' keypairs(email: $email, is_active: $is_active) {' \ ' $fields' \ ' }' \ '}' q = q.replace('$fields', ' '.join(fields)) variables: Dict[str, Any] = { 'is_active': is_active, } if user_id is not None: variables['email'] = user_id data = await api_session.get().Admin._query(q, variables) return data['keypairs'] @api_function @classmethod async def paginated_list( cls, is_active: bool = None, domain_name: str = None, *, user_id: str = None, fields: Sequence[str] = _default_list_fields, page_size: int = 20, filter: str = None, order: str = None, ) -> AsyncIterator[dict]: """ Lists the keypairs. You need an admin privilege for this operation. """ variables = { 'is_active': (is_active, 'Boolean'), 'domain_name': (domain_name, 'String'), 'filter': (filter, 'String'), 'order': (order, 'String'), } if user_id is not None: variables['email'] = (user_id, 'String') async for item in generate_paginated_results( 'keypair_list', variables, fields, page_size=page_size, ): yield item
[문서] @api_function async def info(self, fields: Iterable[str] = None) -> dict: """ Returns the keypair's information such as resource limits. :param fields: Additional per-agent query fields to fetch. .. versionadded:: 18.12 """ if fields is None: fields = ( 'access_key', 'secret_key', 'is_active', 'is_admin', ) q = 'query {' \ ' keypair {' \ ' $fields' \ ' }' \ '}' q = q.replace('$fields', ' '.join(fields)) data = await api_session.get().Admin._query(q) return data['keypair']
@api_function @classmethod async def activate(cls, access_key: str) -> dict: """ Activates this keypair. You need an admin privilege for this operation. """ q = 'mutation($access_key: String!, $input: ModifyKeyPairInput!) {' + \ ' modify_keypair(access_key: $access_key, props: $input) {' \ ' ok msg' \ ' }' \ '}' variables = { 'access_key': access_key, 'input': { 'is_active': True, 'is_admin': None, 'resource_policy': None, 'rate_limit': None, }, } data = await api_session.get().Admin._query(q, variables) return data['modify_keypair'] @api_function @classmethod async def deactivate(cls, access_key: str) -> dict: """ Deactivates this keypair. Deactivated keypairs cannot make any API requests unless activated again by an administrator. You need an admin privilege for this operation. """ q = 'mutation($access_key: String!, $input: ModifyKeyPairInput!) {' + \ ' modify_keypair(access_key: $access_key, props: $input) {' \ ' ok msg' \ ' }' \ '}' variables = { 'access_key': access_key, 'input': { 'is_active': False, 'is_admin': None, 'resource_policy': None, 'rate_limit': None, }, } data = await api_session.get().Admin._query(q, variables) return data['modify_keypair']