Source code for ai.backend.client.request

from collections import OrderedDict, namedtuple
from datetime import datetime
from decimal import Decimal
import functools
import io
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Callable, Mapping, Sequence, Union

import aiohttp
import aiohttp.web
from import tzutc
from multidict import CIMultiDict
import json as modjson

from .auth import generate_signature
from .exceptions import BackendClientError, BackendAPIError
from .session import BaseSession, Session as SyncSession, AsyncSession

__all__ = [

RequestContent = Union[
    bytes, bytearray, str,
The type alias for the set of allowed types for request content.

AttachedFile = namedtuple('AttachedFile', 'filename stream content_type')
A struct that represents an attached file to the API request.

:param str filename: The name of file to store. It may include paths
                     and the server will create parent directories
                     if required.

:param Any stream: A file-like object that allows stream-reading bytes.

:param str content_type: The content type for the stream.  For arbitrary
                         binary data, use "application/octet-stream".

_default_request_timeout = aiohttp.ClientTimeout(
    total=None, connect=None,
    sock_connect=30.0, sock_read=None,

class ExtendedJSONEncoder(modjson.JSONEncoder):

    def default(self, obj):
        if isinstance(obj, Path):
            return str(obj)
        if isinstance(obj, Decimal):
            return str(obj)
        return super().default(obj)

[docs]class Request: ''' The API request object. ''' __slots__ = ( 'config', 'session', 'method', 'path', 'date', 'headers', 'params', 'content_type', '_content', '_attached_files', 'reporthook', ) _allowed_methods = frozenset([ 'GET', 'HEAD', 'POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH', 'DELETE', 'OPTIONS']) def __init__(self, session: BaseSession, method: str = 'GET', path: str = None, content: RequestContent = None, *, content_type: str = None, params: Mapping[str, str] = None, reporthook: Callable = None) -> None: ''' Initialize an API request. :param BaseSession session: The session where this request is executed on. :param str path: The query path. When performing requests, the version number prefix will be automatically perpended if required. :param RequestContent content: The API query body which will be encoded as JSON. :param str content_type: Explicitly set the content type. See also :func:`Request.set_content`. ''' self.session = session self.config = session.config self.method = method if path.startswith('/'): path = path[1:] self.path = path self.params = params = None self.headers = CIMultiDict([ ('User-Agent', self.config.user_agent), ('X-BackendAI-Version', self.config.version), ]) self._attached_files = None self.set_content(content, content_type=content_type) self.reporthook = reporthook @property def content(self) -> RequestContent: ''' Retrieves the content in the original form. Private codes should NOT use this as it incurs duplicate encoding/decoding. ''' return self._content
[docs] def set_content(self, value: RequestContent, *, content_type: str = None): ''' Sets the content of the request. ''' assert self._attached_files is None, \ 'cannot set content because you already attached files.' guessed_content_type = 'application/octet-stream' if value is None: guessed_content_type = 'text/plain' self._content = b'' elif isinstance(value, str): guessed_content_type = 'text/plain' self._content = value.encode('utf-8') else: guessed_content_type = 'application/octet-stream' self._content = value self.content_type = (content_type if content_type is not None else guessed_content_type)
[docs] def set_json(self, value: object): ''' A shortcut for set_content() with JSON objects. ''' self.set_content(modjson.dumps(value, cls=ExtendedJSONEncoder), content_type='application/json')
[docs] def attach_files(self, files: Sequence[AttachedFile]): ''' Attach a list of files represented as AttachedFile. ''' assert not self._content, 'content must be empty to attach files.' self.content_type = 'multipart/form-data' self._attached_files = files
def _sign(self, rel_url, access_key=None, secret_key=None, hash_type=None): ''' Calculates the signature of the given request and adds the Authorization HTTP header. It should be called at the very end of request preparation and before sending the request to the server. ''' if access_key is None: access_key = self.config.access_key if secret_key is None: secret_key = self.config.secret_key if hash_type is None: hash_type = self.config.hash_type hdrs, _ = generate_signature( self.method, self.config.version, self.config.endpoint,, str(rel_url), self.content_type, self._content, access_key, secret_key, hash_type) self.headers.update(hdrs) def _pack_content(self): if self._attached_files is not None: data = aiohttp.FormData() for f in self._attached_files: data.add_field('src',, filename=f.filename, content_type=f.content_type) assert data.is_multipart, 'Failed to pack files as multipart.' # Let aiohttp fill up the content-type header including # multipart boundaries. self.headers.pop('Content-Type', None) return data else: return self._content def _build_url(self): base_url = self.config.endpoint.path.rstrip('/') query_path = self.path.lstrip('/') if len(self.path) > 0 else '' path = '{0}/{1}'.format(base_url, query_path) url = self.config.endpoint.with_path(path) if self.params: url = url.with_query(self.params) return url # TODO: attach rate-limit information
[docs] def fetch(self, **kwargs) -> 'FetchContextManager': ''' Sends the request to the server and reads the response. You may use this method either with plain synchronous Session or AsyncSession. Both the followings patterns are valid: .. code-block:: python3 from ai.backend.client.request import Request from ai.backend.client.session import Session with Session() as sess: rqst = Request(sess, 'GET', ...) with rqst.fetch() as resp: print(resp.text()) .. code-block:: python3 from ai.backend.client.request import Request from ai.backend.client.session import AsyncSession async with AsyncSession() as sess: rqst = Request(sess, 'GET', ...) async with rqst.fetch() as resp: print(await resp.text()) ''' assert self.method in self._allowed_methods, \ 'Disallowed HTTP method: {}'.format(self.method) = self.headers['Date'] = if self.content_type is not None: self.headers['Content-Type'] = self.content_type full_url = self._build_url() self._sign(full_url.relative()) rqst_ctx = self.session.aiohttp_session.request( self.method, str(full_url), data=self._pack_content(), timeout=_default_request_timeout, headers=self.headers) return FetchContextManager(self.session, rqst_ctx, **kwargs)
[docs] def connect_websocket(self, **kwargs) -> 'WebSocketContextManager': ''' Creates a WebSocket connection. .. warning:: This method only works with :class:`~ai.backend.client.session.AsyncSession`. ''' assert isinstance(self.session, AsyncSession), \ 'Cannot use websockets with sessions in the synchronous mode' assert self.method == 'GET', 'Invalid websocket method' = self.headers['Date'] = # websocket is always a "binary" stream. self.content_type = 'application/octet-stream' full_url = self._build_url() self._sign(full_url.relative()) ws_ctx = self.session.aiohttp_session.ws_connect( str(full_url), autoping=True, heartbeat=30.0, headers=self.headers) return WebSocketContextManager(self.session, ws_ctx, **kwargs)
[docs]class Response: ''' Represents the Backend.AI API response. Also serves as a high-level wrapper of :class:`aiohttp.ClientResponse`. The response objects are meant to be created by the SDK, not the callers. :func:`text`, :func:`json` methods return the resolved content directly with plain synchronous Session while they return the coroutines with AsyncSession. ''' __slots__ = ( '_session', '_raw_response', '_async_mode', ) def __init__(self, session: BaseSession, underlying_response: aiohttp.ClientResponse, *, async_mode: bool = False): self._session = session self._raw_response = underlying_response self._async_mode = async_mode @property def session(self) -> BaseSession: return self._session @property def status(self) -> int: return self._raw_response.status @property def reason(self) -> str: return self._raw_response.reason @property def headers(self) -> Mapping[str, str]: return self._raw_response.headers @property def raw_response(self) -> aiohttp.ClientResponse: return self._raw_response @property def content_type(self) -> str: return self._raw_response.content_type @property def content_length(self) -> int: return self._raw_response.content_length @property def content(self) -> aiohttp.StreamReader: return self._raw_response.content def text(self) -> str: if self._async_mode: return self._raw_response.text() else: return self._session.worker_thread.execute(self._raw_response.text()) def json(self, *, loads=modjson.loads) -> Any: loads = functools.partial(loads, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) if self._async_mode: return self._raw_response.json(loads=loads) else: return self._session.worker_thread.execute( self._raw_response.json(loads=loads)) def read(self, n=-1) -> bytes: return self._session.worker_thread.execute(self.aread(n)) async def aread(self, n=-1) -> bytes: return await def readall(self) -> bytes: return self._session.worker_thread.execute(self._areadall()) async def areadall(self) -> bytes: return await
[docs]class FetchContextManager: ''' The context manager returned by :func:`Request.fetch`. It provides both synchronouse and asynchronous contex manager interfaces. ''' __slots__ = ( 'session', 'rqst_ctx', 'response_cls', 'check_status', '_async_mode', ) def __init__(self, session, rqst_ctx, *, response_cls: Response = Response, check_status: bool = True): self.session = session self.rqst_ctx = rqst_ctx self.response_cls = response_cls self.check_status = check_status self._async_mode = True def __enter__(self): assert isinstance(self.session, SyncSession) self._async_mode = False return self.session.worker_thread.execute(self.__aenter__()) async def __aenter__(self): try: raw_resp = await self.rqst_ctx.__aenter__() if self.check_status and raw_resp.status // 100 != 2: msg = await raw_resp.text() raise BackendAPIError(raw_resp.status, raw_resp.reason, msg) return self.response_cls(self.session, raw_resp, async_mode=self._async_mode) except aiohttp.ClientError as e: msg = 'Request to the API endpoint has failed.\n' \ 'Check your network connection and/or the server status.\n' \ '\u279c {!r}'.format(e) raise BackendClientError(msg) from e def __exit__(self, *args): return self.session.worker_thread.execute(self.__aexit__(*args)) async def __aexit__(self, *args): return await self.rqst_ctx.__aexit__(*args)
[docs]class WebSocketResponse: ''' A high-level wrapper of :class:`aiohttp.ClientWebSocketResponse`. ''' __slots__ = ('_session', '_raw_ws', ) def __init__(self, session: BaseSession, underlying_ws: aiohttp.ClientWebSocketResponse): self._session = session self._raw_ws = underlying_ws @property def session(self) -> BaseSession: return self._session @property def raw_weboscket(self) -> aiohttp.ClientWebSocketResponse: return self._raw_ws @property def closed(self): return self._raw_ws.closed async def close(self): await self._raw_ws.close() def __aiter__(self): return self._raw_ws.__aiter__() async def __anext__(self): return await self._raw_ws.__anext__() def exception(self): return self._raw_ws.exception() async def send_str(self, raw_str: str): if self._raw_ws.closed: raise aiohttp.ServerDisconnectedError('server disconnected') await self._raw_ws.send_str(raw_str) async def send_json(self, obj: Any): if self._raw_ws.closed: raise aiohttp.ServerDisconnectedError('server disconnected') await self._raw_ws.send_json(obj) async def send_bytes(self, data: bytes): if self._raw_ws.closed: raise aiohttp.ServerDisconnectedError('server disconnected') await self._raw_ws.send_bytes(data) async def receive_str(self) -> str: if self._raw_ws.closed: raise aiohttp.ServerDisconnectedError('server disconnected') return await self._raw_ws.receive_str() async def receive_json(self) -> Any: if self._raw_ws.closed: raise aiohttp.ServerDisconnectedError('server disconnected') return await self._raw_ws.receive_json() async def receive_bytes(self) -> bytes: if self._raw_ws.closed: raise aiohttp.ServerDisconnectedError('server disconnected') return await self._raw_ws.receive_bytes()
[docs]class WebSocketContextManager: ''' The context manager returned by :func:`Request.connect_websocket`. ''' __slots__ = ( 'session', 'ws_ctx', 'response_cls', 'on_enter', ) def __init__(self, session, ws_ctx, *, on_enter: Callable = None, response_cls: WebSocketResponse = WebSocketResponse): self.session = session self.ws_ctx = ws_ctx self.response_cls = WebSocketResponse self.on_enter = on_enter async def __aenter__(self): try: raw_ws = await self.ws_ctx.__aenter__() except aiohttp.ClientError as e: msg = 'Request to the API endpoint has failed.\n' \ 'Check your network connection and/or the server status.\n' \ 'Error detail: {!r}'.format(e) raise BackendClientError(msg) from e wrapped_ws = self.response_cls(self.session, raw_ws) if self.on_enter is not None: await self.on_enter(wrapped_ws) return wrapped_ws async def __aexit__(self, *args): return await self.ws_ctx.__aexit__(*args)