Source code for ai.backend.client.config

import os
from yarl import URL
from typing import Any, Callable, Iterable, Tuple, Union

__all__ = [

_config = None

[docs]def get_env(key: str, default: Any = None, clean: Callable[[str], Any] = lambda v: v): ''' Retrieves a configuration value from the environment variables. The given *key* is uppercased and prefixed by ``"BACKEND_"`` and then ``"SORNA_"`` if the former does not exist. :param key: The key name. :param default: The default value returned when there is no corresponding environment variable. :param clean: A single-argument function that is applied to the result of lookup (in both successes and the default value for failures). The default is returning the value as-is. :returns: The value processed by the *clean* function. ''' key = key.upper() v = os.environ.get('BACKEND_' + key) if v is None: v = os.environ.get('SORNA_' + key) if v is None: if default is None: raise KeyError(key) v = default return clean(v)
def bool_env(v: str) -> bool: v = v.lower() if v in ('y', 'yes', 't', 'true', '1'): return True if v in ('n', 'no', 'f', 'false', '0'): return False raise ValueError('Unrecognized value of boolean environment variable', v) def _clean_url(v): v = v if isinstance(v, URL) else URL(v) if not v.is_absolute(): raise ValueError('URL must be absolute.') return v def _clean_tokens(v): if isinstance(v, str): if not v: return tuple() return tuple(v.split(',')) return tuple(iter(v))
[docs]class APIConfig: ''' Represents a set of API client configurations. The access key and secret key are mandatory -- they must be set in either environment variables or as the explicit arguments. :param endpoint: The URL prefix to make API requests via HTTP/HTTPS. :param version: The API protocol version. :param user_agent: A custom user-agent string which is sent to the API server as a ``User-Agent`` HTTP header. :param access_key: The API access key. :param secret_key: The API secret key. :param hash_type: The hash type to generate per-request authentication signatures. :param vfolder_mounts: A list of vfolder names (that must belong to the given access key) to be automatically mounted upon any :func:`Kernel.get_or_create() <ai.backend.client.kernel.Kernel.get_or_create>` calls. ''' DEFAULTS = { 'endpoint': '', 'version': 'v4.20190315', 'hash_type': 'sha256', } ''' The default values except the access and secret keys. ''' def __init__(self, *, endpoint: Union[URL, str] = None, version: str = None, user_agent: str = None, access_key: str = None, secret_key: str = None, hash_type: str = None, vfolder_mounts: Iterable[str] = None, skip_sslcert_validation: bool = None) -> None: from . import get_user_agent # noqa; to avoid circular imports self._endpoint = ( _clean_url(endpoint) if endpoint else get_env('ENDPOINT', self.DEFAULTS['endpoint'], clean=_clean_url)) self._version = version if version else self.DEFAULTS['version'] self._user_agent = user_agent if user_agent else get_user_agent() self._access_key = access_key if access_key else get_env('ACCESS_KEY') self._secret_key = secret_key if secret_key else get_env('SECRET_KEY') self._hash_type = hash_type.lower() if hash_type else \ self.DEFAULTS['hash_type'] arg_vfolders = set(vfolder_mounts) if vfolder_mounts else set() env_vfolders = set(get_env('VFOLDER_MOUNTS', [], clean=_clean_tokens)) self._vfolder_mounts = [*(arg_vfolders | env_vfolders)] # prefer the argument flag and fallback to env if the flag is not set. self._skip_sslcert_validation = (skip_sslcert_validation if skip_sslcert_validation else get_env('SKIP_SSLCERT_VALIDATION', default='no', clean=bool_env)) @property def endpoint(self) -> URL: '''The configured endpoint URL prefix.''' return self._endpoint @property def user_agent(self) -> str: '''The configured user agent string.''' return self._user_agent @property def access_key(self) -> str: '''The configured API access key.''' return self._access_key @property def secret_key(self) -> str: '''The configured API secret key.''' return self._secret_key @property def version(self) -> str: '''The configured API protocol version.''' return self._version @property def hash_type(self) -> str: '''The configured hash algorithm for API authentication signatures.''' return self._hash_type @property def vfolder_mounts(self) -> Tuple[str, ...]: '''The configured auto-mounted vfolder list.''' return self._vfolder_mounts @property def skip_sslcert_validation(self) -> bool: '''Whether to skip SSL certificate validation for the API gateway.''' return self._skip_sslcert_validation
[docs]def get_config(): ''' Returns the configuration for the current process. If there is no explicitly set :class:`APIConfig` instance, it will generate a new one from the current environment variables and defaults. ''' global _config if _config is None: _config = APIConfig() return _config
[docs]def set_config(conf: APIConfig): ''' Sets the configuration used throughout the current process. ''' global _config _config = conf